Thursday, 21 June 2012

It's a miracal !!!!!!

It certainly was. Dean was interviewed for a teaching job and got it .

They then had to apply for a working visa. The system for teaching is you need to have a degree, really in anything but a degree...welll???????!!!!!???

Dean doesn't have a degree, he has Buisness Diplomas and Computer studies Diploma's ..GCSE 's and of course his qualification as a Forklift Instructor.We held on to this as it is teaching, but in a diffrent way...

The sponour said we will apply as we want you to work for us, but we don't think you will get the visa..

We waited just over four weeks when we got the news, the sponour, who doesnt know Jesus said "it's a miracal you got the visa... "

What a relief !!!!!on paper we knew in the worlds eyes we would not get it. But if God wanted us in Asia, we would get it and it would open the door of Faith for other Christain couples to believe they would get there's and they did..

The teaching experience? how can I explain what we thought ??? OH yes ..simple...AMAZING TO FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE WALKED INTO A  SEASON OF WHAT GOD HAD PLANNED....

I always wanted to be a teacher all those school years ago! But was told I was not clever enough..I really taught, the kids really learn't ..and love love loved doing it.

Dean enjoyed it too, but his was more challenging to say the least, as they were challenging kids. but we loved them.

To make life easier on Dean and the kids I helped him in his classes.. and we  Love, love , loved teaching together, as most things in our life it seems we do things best together..!! and thats just God!!!

Later in our time in Hong Kong Dean was asked to do a temp English teaching job p/t on top of our other teaching..

Well one thing with HK and working expect the unexpected :) when he arrived he was filling in as a drama / script wriiter teacher. The fun part was..... the script writting lessons , where Dean would type a demostration script couldn't be used in there next drama class, even though the theme continued, no he had to re-write something new, and he had to do that for his 4-5 classes a day, bless there was not time in the day to do this. he did it for 6 weeks, ( it was suposed to be 2 weeks ) his after school club grew in numbers, and I have to say I was so impressed with his scriptwritting...

My hubby is amazing.. It's lovely we have a working visa now untill next year ..we feel really blessed...

God Bless to you all, will post again soon x xxx

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