Friday, 10 February 2012

The sweet sound!

We have been very busy the last two week, That's why no blog update. Will fill you in another time.!

I am supposedly doing housework, dusting, cleaning floors, scrubbing the stairs, doing the laundry by hand, yes thats right we haven't got a washing maching, so Dean put me up a make shift washing line today, so I can get on with it, and I dream of a mangle lol..

I always think there's nothing nicer that on a warm day ( no i didn't say sunny, as we haven't seen any for a week ) watching your washing blowing in the breeze, that slight motion and the gleaming whiteness, of your clean clothes, is so relaxing, something special about it, I suppose in the UK you would know spring is really here, and summer's on the way..

But hanging the clothes out for the first time today, all I could hear is the sweet, sweet sound of the bird's singing, such beautiful voices, and one's I have never heard before, I know we live in the country park, so I expected to hear the wildlife, but it's just so beautiful!

Every now and then a plane fly's by and to most that would ruin the music, but for me it's an added extra, knowing that we flew on one of those planes 17 hours away from home to listen to the wonderful sound, so I enjoy both, which has led me to abandoning my housework and writing this..

I haven't abondonied it completely, I have washing in soak, and some boiling on the hob..

The only thing that ruin's this wonderful moment is some one upsetting the dogs upstairs, they love to warn people walking by, and maybe one day I might think they sound lovely too, but probably not as they then set the rest of the village dogs off, and takes them all a good ten mins to settle down!

Is it a case of if you can't beat them join them ????

Well back to hanging the washing, a new bird has arrived with a new song, I think I may go and sweep the garden to make the most of this beautiful moment !! Of God's creation, Amen x

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