Sunday, 26 February 2012

for photo sake !!! A little catch up !

This is the train museum at Tia Po, where we went for a job interview!

 Dean crossing the track's !! to the left is the real mtr line. so working trains going by as we looked at the old one's.

Dean dreaming of driving this around Hong Kong!! These photo's we took on Hong Kong Island, just before Causeway Bay.

AA - Just because !

Thursday, 23 February 2012

The mad couple!

So we have an apartment, and sleeping on the floor, and we wonder why we're known as the mad couple from Manchester lol, now apparently the UK. lol.
But we're not mad, we are just doing what God Says, following what he wants us to do..

We might not have been known as the mad couple if we had stayed in our first home, never left our first church, stayed in our same job, knowing that God had called us to listen and  follow him where ever he call's.

And at 80, we would have mumbled in and out of our false teeth, you know we had a calling on our lives that God told us to do, but we didn't do it! because people wouldn't have understood, can you imagine the conversation, you listened to people and not God! Good job God loves you.

A few times a long the way people have said when you have kids you're settle down !!!! hmm do you know as we have spoke to missionaries and people with God's calling to travel, they have said that break though has come when they eventually had the babies!!

I was so much like that, when/if we had kids and once they started school, we would not be going any where, not even the next town, as to not hurt them, well I was wrong and just speaking from my own experiences.. God spoke to me in such a way, if we had ever had kids on this earth we would carry on as God called us, whereever he called us! It was a few years ago I had this revelation!.

Dean was glad that I had caught up with his thinking, he is a kind and wonderful man, who knew that God would speak to me at the right time, as Dean knew if we ever had kids on earth we would not stop.          

You know we once went to Devon to a conference, we had no money, it was March so we sold our trailer to buy a tent, we had a enough money to just about go, if we eat very basic, and walked every where and that's what we did. The last day the Lord said to go and have dinner with a couple we had just met., we knew we couldn't afford it but the Lord said go, so we did. No one knew our predicament which was if we ate that meal we wouldn't be able to get home! mad mad as they come, That couple didn't know our circumstance but when we had finnished eating the most delicious meal in such a fancy restaurant, the couple insisted on paying, which we were like no way!! But we remembered a story told to us about a man who was drowning, a life boat came by to save him, but the man said no, I've prayed to God and he's gong to save me, so they left, a raft floated by, and lots more, when the man got to heaven, he said why didn't you save me lord, to which God said " I sent the life boat, the raft, etc etc, what more did u want me to do !!"".
So we accepted, praising the Lord, then at the last break we were invited to joins some others for a tea and cake, we felt the Lord say go, so we did, now we def only just had enough to get home, but no food for the week, but we trusted the Lord, that session, a Lady came to me and said the Lord had told her to give me this cheque, enough money for the week when we got home! The going for cake wasn't a reckless thing to do, it was what God told us to do, we meet people who are now not just friends, but prophecy over our lives, give us guidance, and always there to say we're not being mad... The other thing that happened was a month later this lady and her husband supported us for 4 months, Dean studied while looking for a job, Reading his bible, listening to sermons, writing a few sermons that God had put on his heart, then at the 4th month God gave Dean a Job,

I am glad I have a husband who listens to God and leads us right, even if I don't always know it !

Last week at church Rob talked about honouring people, and in Kingsway Church in the UK we were always honouring people, well I just want to honour Dean, and thank him, for being him, every aspect of him, that God created . love u xx

Now where were we, oh yes the mad couple, well a friend we have met here took us to a place where they were selling furniture off cheap! The Baptist Missionary Society where selling the missionary flat, as none were coming to Hong Kong any more, they were going to other places in the world. The lady that looked after the apartment was so sad at that ! You know if we look out of the denomination we go to on a Sunday, we/she would have seen how many people God has called to Hong Kong, to spread the word!
In our first few weeks, there must have been two or three couples that had arrived!

We were very blessed, settee, chairs, a couple of beds, coffee table, bedside cabinets. Well enough to fill our apartment, and still look minimalistic.

We hired a man with a van and had to get all this furniture down 14 flights of stairs using one lift, not blocking any hallways, or getting in anyones way, it was a big hard job but we did it, and even won the door man round , who was not the happiest man in the world.. he was laughing and smiling with me in the end .

We did all this for about £140.00 all in.. Really felt blessed.

These homes don't come with much in the kitchen, you get a sink and a hob and a few cupboards and that's it !!

The hob only takes certain weight pans. so we have a portable gas ring to use the ones that won't go on the hob.
Also in our kitchen there is no running hot water, seriously, it's like camping every day of the week.

We have bought a nice fridge freezer, with a great ice tray, for some reason it swivels, on the spot in the freezer and underneath is a tray, to catch them, and every time a winner, no bashing the tray on the sides to get the pesty ice out, you just swivel and out they fall, amazing, and we bought a table top cooker, grill. so far so good..

What else have we been doing oh yes two weeks ago, Dean went for a job interview, I went with him, and planned to sit in the reception, but the interviewer had other ideas and half way through he started interviewing me, and we both walked out with possible jobs, we have to train, and Dean has to get a working visa, but there should be a job at the end of it for both of us...Praise the Lord, Dean said only you could not go for an interview and get a

Will give you more info on the job's as they progress!!

I think we are nearly all up to date with whats going on, phew to that!!! two weekend's ago we went to a Bill Johnson conference, that was good, it took a bit of time to warm to Bill and his wife, but I enjoyed it very much, we left home just before 8am, and didn't get home till 12 midnight, we said we should have stayed in a hotel closer, as it was three days long, and I have to say I was worn out, on the afternoon worship session, I have to confess I smuggled on to Deans arm and had an hours sleep.!!

As Andy says from our old church in sale , Manchester, what we do not  hear our spirit does, and I'm sure I got more out of it asleep, then being awake, fighting to keep me eyes open.. Thank you Andy ..

On that note, we shall say good bye x

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Missing our babies !

Yes we all know that since the absence's of kids on this earth, our cat's are truely our babies, We know they don't fill the gap of kid's but boy do they help!

So we miss them loads, especially this week, it's the longest we have ever been away from them. We know there safe, we know they are being spoilt and lots of cuddles, but we are really mssing them.

A five minute walk past the last village house, down a path, across a bridge with a stream running underneath, a steep set of stairs to tackle , we go and buy some drink's from our local restaurant, more of a make shift out building that serves food, but they have cats, so we go and give them great big hugs, whether they want them or not lol..

We went to Tai Po this week and in a pharmacy they had a lovely cat, that looked a bit like our lightning!

Have you met our cats, well, lets introduce you to them!

First theres lightning, he's a Tonkinese, That's a cross between a Burmese and a Siamese.
He's tall, handsome in his own right, a loyal cat, and he's Dean,s boy. He can make you very special, but if Dean's in the room, you stand no chance!

Then there is Moonlight, he is a lilac Burmese, he's mine, soft, cuddley but know's his own mind.
I say he's mine and he is until our nephew Connor is in the room, then apparently he's Connors, they really grew up together, and Connor can do anything with him, to his mother's dismay!

Then there is Whisper, a cream Burmese, small, cute, obstinate, and isn,t afraid of fighting his own territiory, We used to live next door to a huge dog, and there would always be a lot of barking, and I would see Whisper tormenting the dog, I always apologised to the owners, who seemed to not believe me as the dog was so tall, and Whisper being so small, he would be forever grounding the dog, that is till one day we caught Whisper on his hind leg's giving all he could to stand his corner with the dog, I have to say one thing, Whisper was winning,  At that point I had to do the grounding lol. He's every one's cat .

So some one today posted a you- tube clip of a kitten who reminded me of lightning so had to pop it on here!

Hope you enjoy.! Just saw this and had to add it.. who said cat's don't like water ha ha..

all our love x

Friday, 10 February 2012

The sweet sound!

We have been very busy the last two week, That's why no blog update. Will fill you in another time.!

I am supposedly doing housework, dusting, cleaning floors, scrubbing the stairs, doing the laundry by hand, yes thats right we haven't got a washing maching, so Dean put me up a make shift washing line today, so I can get on with it, and I dream of a mangle lol..

I always think there's nothing nicer that on a warm day ( no i didn't say sunny, as we haven't seen any for a week ) watching your washing blowing in the breeze, that slight motion and the gleaming whiteness, of your clean clothes, is so relaxing, something special about it, I suppose in the UK you would know spring is really here, and summer's on the way..

But hanging the clothes out for the first time today, all I could hear is the sweet, sweet sound of the bird's singing, such beautiful voices, and one's I have never heard before, I know we live in the country park, so I expected to hear the wildlife, but it's just so beautiful!

Every now and then a plane fly's by and to most that would ruin the music, but for me it's an added extra, knowing that we flew on one of those planes 17 hours away from home to listen to the wonderful sound, so I enjoy both, which has led me to abandoning my housework and writing this..

I haven't abondonied it completely, I have washing in soak, and some boiling on the hob..

The only thing that ruin's this wonderful moment is some one upsetting the dogs upstairs, they love to warn people walking by, and maybe one day I might think they sound lovely too, but probably not as they then set the rest of the village dogs off, and takes them all a good ten mins to settle down!

Is it a case of if you can't beat them join them ????

Well back to hanging the washing, a new bird has arrived with a new song, I think I may go and sweep the garden to make the most of this beautiful moment !! Of God's creation, Amen x